Cartersville-Bartow Airport Runway Paving Project
Project Type:
Airport Runway Paving & EMAS Project
Project Status:
Completed, July 25, 2021
Cartersville-Bartow Airport
119 Dallas Hwy SW
Cartersville, GA 30120
The Cartersville-Bartow County Airport was constructed around the late 1960s and is one of 103 public use airports in Georgia that is owned by the Cartersville-Bartow County Airport Authority. It is classified as a General Aviation Airport (there are 94 General Aviation Airports and 9 Commercial Service Airports in Georgia) and is the 7th busiest General Aviation Airport in the state.
The Airport Authority has been working with the City, Bartow County, GDOT and FAA for a few years on obtaining funding for repaving the runway along with adding Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS) bed to one end of the runway. Upon receiving Federal and State funding for this much needed project, bids were issued for the work and C.W. Matthews Contracting Company was hired.
The Paving Project began on April 5th with a scheduled completion date of July 19, 2021. Currently our contractor is on schedule and has completed a major portion of the runway paving project and we look forward to opening up the runway for day and night time operations very soon.
The Paving Project began on April 5th with nightly closing of the airport runway. Starting on May 31, 2021, the airport runway was completely shut down for three weeks for the paving of the runway. Since June 19, the runway has opened up daytime operations and weather permitting the contractor is tentatively scheduled to complete the installation of the new runway lights with nighttime operations again being permitted the night of July 24. We will keep you posted on the actual effective date for the resumption of nighttime operations.